Mixed Wild Bird Seed: Inexpensive mixes typically contain large quantities of milo and millet, as well as smaller amounts of cracked corn, millet, sunflower seeds, peanuts and other seeds or grains. Many different resident species and migrants will eat this. Mixed seed can be offered in many types of feeders, including hoppers, tubes, and mesh feeders, as well as open trays or platforms or even just sprinkled on the ground for easy feeding. Squirrels and raccoons tend to wreak havoc on feeders, so finding a critter-resistant feeder is helpful. Birds at the Lake that are often observed feeding on generic wild bird seed include: cardinals, nuthatches, titmice, chickadees, house finches, mourning doves, and white-throated sparrows and juncos. It helps to buy quality seed mixtures that are low in milo (small round red seeds), as these are very low in nutritional value and are often left uneaten if other food sources are available.